Tuesday of the Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Official Translation

Reading 1 – Daniel 2.31-45

You, O king, saw and beheld a great idol.
This great idol, which was exceedingly bright,
stood before you; and its form was frightening.
This idol’s head was of fine gold;
its breast and its arms of silver;
its belly and its thighs of brass; its legs of iron;
and its feet partly iron and partly clay.

You gazed at it until a stone was cut out not by hands,
which smote the image upon its iron and clay feet,
and broke them to pieces.
Then the iron, the clay,
the brass, the silver, and the gold,
were broken to pieces together,
and became like the chaff
of the summer threshing floors,
and the wind carried them away,
so that no part of them was found,
and the stone that smote the image
became a great mountain,
and filled the whole earth.

This is the dream:
and we will tell its interpretation before the king.
You, O king, are a king of kings:
for the God of heaven has given you
a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
Wherever the children of humans dwell,
and the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky,
he has given into your hand,
and made you ruler over them all.
You are this head of gold.
After you there will arise another kingdom
inferior to yours,
and then a third kingdom of brass,
which shall bear rule over all the earth.
Then fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron,
as iron breaks in pieces and subdues all things.
As iron breaks all things,
it shall break in pieces and bruise.
As you saw the feet and toes,
partly of potters' clay and partly of iron,
the kingdom shall be divided.
There shall be in it the strength of iron,
for you saw the iron mixed with wet clay.
But as the toes of the feet were
partly of iron and partly of clay,
so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken.
As you saw iron mixed with wet clay,
so they shall mingle themselves by marital alliances,
but they shall not cleave one to another,
as iron will not mix with clay.

And in the days of these kings
the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom,
which will never be destroyed,
and the kingdom shall not be succeeded by another nation,
but it will break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
and it shall stand forever.
For as you saw that the stone
was cut out of the mountain without hands,
and that it broke in pieces
the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold;
so the great God has made known to the king
what will come to pass hereafter.
The dream is certain,
and the interpretation of it is sure.

Responsorial - Daniel 3.57, 58, 59, 60, 61 Resp. 59b

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord;
praise and exalt him above all forever.

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

O angels of the Lord, bless the Lord:
praise and exalt him above all forever.

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

O you heavens, bless the Lord:
praise and exalt him above all forever.

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

All you waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord;
praise and exalt him above all forever.

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

All you hosts of the Lord, bless the Lord:
praise and exalt him above all forever.

R. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Gospel – Luke 21.5-11

Some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with costly stones and gifts,
so Jesus said,“These things which you behold,
the days are coming when there will not be a stone left on a stone, which will not be thrown down.”

They asked him, saying, “Master, when will this be?
What sign is planned for when these things shall come to pass?”

And he said, “Take heed not to be deceived,
for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am, and the time draws near.’
Do not follow them.
And when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be afraid,
for these things must first come to pass, but it is not immediately the end.”
Then said he to them, “Race shall rise against race, and kingdom against kingdom,
and there will be great earthquakes from place to place, and famines and epidemics;
and there will be horrors and great signs from heaven.”

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